Benefits of Music for LifeHuman life can not be separated with the rhythm. The pulse and beat of the human heart also has a special rhythm. Right hemisphere, showing work activity when music is played. And what kind of reaction is shown the brain, depending on the type of music that influenced him.
Benefits of Music a lot of thought to unleash the imagination and bring the hidden things that are stored by a person. According Tjipto Dra Susana, M. The music was able to stimulate the connections between neurons. So when someone is listening to music that means there are certain parts of the nerve is stimulated to always connect.
Johan in music psychology book mentions that music therapy is the use of music as a therapeutic tool to repair, maintain, and improve mental, physical and emotional. Music therapy is also an easy way that a positive benefit for the body, psyche, as well as improve memory and social relationships.
Some of the benefits of music include:
A. Enhance creativity.
2. Reducing anxiety and stress.
3. Improve intelligence.
4. Change the mood became more positive.
5. Improve concentration.
6. Make relaxed.
7. Cope with autistic disorder in young children.
8. Create so much positive emotion (happy / excited).
9. Improve their language skills.
Well, the above benefits are not composed the music and get away, but is the result of research and observations of many experts who do research on the positive effects of listening to certain types of music. Among them:
A. Jazz.
Research by Blaum in 2003 to get the result that after the students listening to jazz, mod they become more comfortable, thus helping students to learn. The results are then applied by Norman L. Barber and L. Jameson barber by giving the CD Jazz for Success at the University of Massachusetts freshman. They provide a CD with the aim that students can cope with the level of negative emotions (anger, anxiety, depression, fear) because it is difficult to adjust to the world of college.
2. Rock.
Who says that loud rock music was not there and make us not menfaatnya thinkers? Research conducted by Dr. Leigh Riby and George Caldwell, Cladenian psychologist from Glasgow University show that students who listen to rock music just takes a little brain work to do the job well. In addition, rock music can enhance produtivitas at work).
3. Classic.
These benefits are well known classical music, especially Mozart Effect. Regardless of the many pros and cons of this Mozart Effect, beebrapa research shows that Mozart's music is useful in the field of health. Samuel Halim in his research found that the Mozart effect may help cure Alzheimer's disease (pain common in the elderly is characterized by difficulty walking, talking, rarely get along). Another study conducted by Campbell found that classical music can help cure diseases, such as stress, cancer, dyslexia, and high blood pressure. Some examples of classical music is worth listening to The Ultimate Mozart Album, Maksim, The Most Relaxing Classical Album in the World Ever, etc..
Mapping Of Knowlegde
12 years ago
Nice share, I really like music so much. let's make a group band :D haha
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