About Ubuntu
The first version of Ubuntu was based on the GNOME desktop. We have
since added a KDE edition, Kubuntu, and a server edition. All of the
editions of Ubuntu share common infrastructure and software, making
Ubuntu a unique platform that scales from consumer electronics to the
desktop, and into the cloud for enterprise computing. Developers can
work on their desktop of choice, and smoothly deliver code to cloud
servers running the stripped-down Ubuntu Server Edition.
In recent years, special emphasis has been placed on netbooks for
lightweight, connected, mobile computing, and on the cloud as a new
architecture for data centres. Ubuntu is a pioneer in both fields, with
Ubuntu Netbook Edition and Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud setting the standard
for easy deployment and management. Ubuntu is hugely popular on
Amazon's EC2 and Rackspace's Cloud, and is pre-installed on computers
from Dell, Lenovo and other global vendors.
Ubuntu still is and always will be free to use, share and develop. We
hope it will bring a touch of light to your computing – and we hope
that you'll join us in helping to build the next version too.
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